Dr. Durant: CS-280 Embedded Systems Software: Course Outline (Spring 2006)

Week Day Topics Lab
6-10 March
M Introduction, number systems
2's complement exercises
Lab 1: Wookie/WinBug11
W Microcontroller components, tool introduction
F Tool chain and programmer's model (Registers)
13-17 March
M Addressing, CCR Lab 2: Bouncing light
W Flashin' LED Demo
Tools: Assembler, linker, simulator
F Instruction set introduction: transfers, load/store, add/subtract
Example program
20-24 March
M Data members and member functions in assembly: class-demo.cpp, class-demo-s.s Lab 3: Scrolling message
W Display // Instruction set: multiply/divide, flags, shift/rotate
F Instruction set: bit/logic, branches
Sample program
27-31 March
M Quiz 3 Solution from 2003
Decimal arithmetic / Keypad
Lab 4: Adding machine
W Instruction set: subroutines, stacks
Demo program, polynomial calculation, Demo program, local variables on the stack
F Review for test 1 / Detailed lesson objectives 1-10
3-7 April
M Test 1
W Review Test 1 / Catch-up / Sample problems
F C++ review/compiler / hello.cpp Demo - briefcase/Wookie
helloFox.cpp Demo - Fox11, ports_fox11.h, ports_fox11.s
10-14 April
M ASM vs. C++ structure, argument passing, inline asm
Argument passing in GCC 3.0.4,
Basic name mangler example,
Extern ASM variable example: extern_c.cpp, extern_a.s
Lab 5: Mixing C++/ASM
W Parallel I/O
F First day of Spring Break
Spring Break
24-28 April
M Parallel I/O: Handshaking
Handshaking with external A/D chip
F A/D and integer scaling
Optional material: A/D internals
1-5 May
M Review for test 2 / Detailed lesson objectives 1-16 Lab 6: A/D
W Test 2
F Review Test 2 / Catch-up
8-12 May
M Interrupts
os.s - C++ interrupt support
Lab 7: Interrupts
TCNT offset calculations (Excel)
W Real-time interrupt (RTI) / Demo
rti.s, rti2.cpp
F Timer input capture (TIC) (no online notes)
15-19 May
M Additional Topic
W Catch-up
F Review for final
22-26 May
W Common Final Exam: 11:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. in CC-51