8:30 AM | Welcome and Introductions (Jeff Zingsheim, Chair)
- Update on program information (Eric Durant)
- Approval of previous minutes (11/08/2021)
- Student statistics
- Please see student-stats-to-s22.pdf
- Current program enrollment is 154 students. Spring enrollment had been stable at 149-156 for the last several years.
- 4 CEs are pursuing double majors: 3 CS, 1 BE
- As of 5/4, CE had 54 deposits from new students, 7 of whom are international. Total deposits for other EECS programs are at 56 for BME, 96 for CS, 61 for EE, and 31 for SE. MSOE overall is at 820 deposits, compared with 812 as of last year on 5/13/2021.
- Membership information update
8:50 AM | Review of Events
- Recent
- Czech Technical University exchange (Prague): Intro meeting for CE students (3/25/2022); spring semester exchange option for sophomores and juniors: February-May, 2023. Two considering participating so far.
- Fall and Winter Commencement (11/20/2021 and 2/26/2022)
- Winter Career Fair in Kern Center (1/27/2022)
- MSOE/DoE Regional Science Bowl (Virtual) (1/15/2022)
- Upcoming
- Spring Commencement (5/21/2022, EECS at 10 AM)
- Open Houses (9/17/22, 10/15/22, 11/12/22, 1/28/23)
- (tentative) Fall CE Student Event (September)
- Eleventh EECS Industry Forum for Students (September TBD, 12 PM, followed by panel lunch)
- MSOE Career Fairs
- Wednesday-Thursday, September 28-29, 2022, Kern Center
- January, expected, details pending
- IEEEXtreme 17.0 (Late October (estimate), 2022 UTC [Friday-Saturday], MSOE's 14th year, Dr. Livingston)
- Fall IAC Meeting (TBD, Fall, 2022): Milwaukee Tool: morning meeting followed by tour
- Admitted Student Days (roughly 7, starting ~November)
- Ongoing
- Senior project collaboration
- Do you have an idea for a student tour, perhaps working with our IEEE student group?
- The CE program faculty appreciate the opportunity to visit each IAC company every few years.
9:05 AM |
Upcoming Semester Offerings (Approved; Degree Announcements Pending HLC)
- Undergraduate
- Electrical Engineering Minor
- Data Science Minor
- Mechanical Engineering Minor
- Graduate
- Stackable Certificates
- Machine Learning Graduate Certificate
- ML Engineering Graduate Certificate
- Master of Science in Machine Learning
9:20 AM | Break |
9:30 AM | Electives
- Popular electives this year:
- Some elective options for next year:
- CE-4100/EE-4100 Embedded System Fabrication (Dr. Rothe)
- CE-498 Topics Memory and IO Systems Architecture (Dr. Meier)
- CS-3400 Machine Learning (Dr. Nowling)
- CS-4981 Topics: Competitive Programming (Prof. Lembke)
- CS-4981 Topics: Deep Learning in Signal Processing (Dr. Durant)
- CS-4981 Topics: GPU Programming (Dr. Berisha)
- EE-4930 Advanced Embedded Systems (Dr. Widder)
- EE-4980 Topics: Medical Image Generation and Processing (Prof. Licato)
- EE-4980 Topics: Laser Medical Applications and Interactions (Dr. Sayed)
9:40 AM |
- Current quarter curriculum - CE 4.x Curriculum, running for final year in 2022-'23
- New semester curriculum
10:10 AM |
Senior debriefing survey results |
10:30 AM | General Discussion
- Student representative comments and input
- Industry representative comments and input
10:50 AM | Meeting Wrap-up
- Agenda items for the next IAC meeting
- Action items
11:00 AM | Adjourn