Eric Durant, PhD, MBA, PE

Courses | Advising: CE, MSML | Publications | Recommendations | Other

[Portrait - November 2021]I am a professor and the director of the master of science in machine learning program at Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE). Each summer, I work as a Principal Signal Processing Engineer at Starkey Hearing Technologies in Eden Prairie, MN. During my sabbaticals in 2018–2019 and again in 2024–2025, I have worked with NVIDIA on deep learning applications to audio signal processing. My research focuses on deep learning-based speech enhancement, fall detection, beamforming, convex optimization, genetic algorithms, and spatialization. I am an inventor on 8 US patents.

I earned bachelor’s degrees in electrical engineering and computer engineering from MSOE. I earned my master’s degree and PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan and an Executive MBA from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

I am a senior member of the IEEE (S’93 M’02 SM’06) and a member of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) (M’02). I serve as an ABET EAC program evaluator for both computer and electrical engineering programs. I was recognized by STEM Forward as the Young Engineer of the Year in 2013 and by MSOE and our students as the Oscar Werwath Distinguished Teacher in 2016. Since 2023, I have served on the Board of Trustees for the Milwaukee Repertory Theater.

Dr. Eric Durant
Program Director, MS in Machine Learning
Professor, CSSE Department
Milwaukee School of Engineering
1025 North Broadway
Milwaukee WI 53202-3109
Office: L-339
414-277-7439 (O)
Pronouns: he, him, his