Milwaukee Architecture

Prosperity 1865-1889

1865 Milwaukee Street Commercial Buildings
1866 Curry-Pierce Block
1866 Stephen Harrison Residence
1867 Holy Trinity School
1867 St. James Episcopal Church
1869 All Saints Episcopal Cathedral Complex
1869 St. John deNepomuc Rectory
1869 National Soldier's Home (Wood, WI)
1870 Calvary Presbyterian Church
1870 Hanover Street Mansions
1870 James S. Peck House
1870 Schlitz Brewing Company Buildings
1872 Forst Keller
1873 St. Stanislaus Roman Catholic Church
1874 John Dietrich Inbusch House
1874 Immanuel Presbyterian Church
1874 North Point Water Tower
1874 Jason Downer House
1875 Robert Patrick Fitzgerald House
1875 Dr. Henry Button House
1876 Collins/Elwell Residence
1876 Mitchell Building
1876 Nicholas Senn Block
1878 Lipps Block
1878 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
1879 Grain Exchange Building (Mackie Building)
1879 222 East Mason Street Building
1879 Francis Hinton House
1880 Pabst Brewing Company
1881 James Conroy Building
1882 Scandanavian Evangelical Lutheran Church
1883 Milwaukee Club
1883 Turner Hall
1883 Sanford Kane House
1883 Artesian Well
1883 Peck Rowhouse
1884 Commerce Street
1884 St. Paul's Episcopal Church
1885 Court of Honor
1885 George P. Miller Mansion
1885 Graham Row
1885 Holy Rosary Catholic Church
1885 Milwaukee State Normal School (Rescue Mission)
1886 Loyalty Building (611 Building)
1887 Frederick Bahr Grocery Store
1887 Women's Club of Wisconsin Clubhouse
1888 E.D. Adler Residence
1888 Flushing Station (Colectivo)
1889 Humphrey Scottish Rite Masonic Center