Annason Apartment Building
2121 E. Capitol Dr. (Shorewood)

This unique, excellent example of "moderne" or Art Deco architecture consists of buff pressed brick, glazed black terra cotta, aluminum and leaded glass. The entrance is granite with cutout aluminum numbers on the door.

The Julius Leiser architectural firm designed the building. Mr. A.W. Gross reports that, while on the Leiser staff, he was the principal architect on the project.

Mr. Gross gives us these fascinating insights (see this drawing from the August 3, 1930 Milwaukee Journal).: "About the roof design of the Annason. - The original design was to have a dance floor there for the tenants with a tile floor for the dance area. Both elevators came to the roof. The 2 pylons were designed to hold beacons of light as a decoration. Unfortunately, the beacon lights had to be eliminated because of airline rules and regulations would have needed a full-time operator on the site paid by Annason. Dancing was also eliminated due to weather uncertainty. Originally, there was to be a hoist outside of the rear stairs to haul oversized furniture to each floor instead of using the elevators."