Henry Bergh Monument

N. 45th St. and W. Wisconsin Ave.

This statue of the founder of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals originally stood in front of City Hall, in an area known as Market Square. It was erected on a huge fountain and watering trough on the 25th anniversary of Bergh's founding of the Society. The trough was converted to a flower bed in 1941, and the sculpture (minus trough) was finally moved in 1966 to the grounds of the Wisconsin Humane Society at 4151 N. Humboldt Blvd. It was subsequently moved (in 1999), to the new Humane Society facility at its W. Wisconsin Avenue location. The sculptor was John Mahoney.

(A related organization, the Wisconsin Humane Society, was founded in 1879 with Richard Whitehead as its superintendent).