Dr. Eric Durant: SE-3821 Software Requirements and Specification: Outline (Fall 2005)

Core Concept Map

FAST Time Log

You will need to keep track of the time you spend each week on the lab assignments and enter it in the FAST system. Your student ID number is your initial password. FAST provides both you and me with easy access to your time summary information. You are encouraged to enter your times regularly, but they will be checked when assignments 2 and 4 are graded.

Week Day Topics Reading Lab
5-9 September
M 1. Review prerequisite assessment
2. Chapter 1: What are Requirements?
3. Introduction to SEPG XML report templates
4. Team formation
W Course introduction Chapter 1
F Requirements Process Chapter 2
12-16 September
M Project Blastoff Chapter 3

Assignment 1 (blastoff) due Friday of week 4 at 5 P.M.
Project Teams

Week 2: Thursday lab meeting replaced with
Friday meeting in SDL at 11 A.M. to introduce BE projects

W ...continued
F Event-driven Use Cases Chapter 4
19-23 September
M Teamwork (Guest Instructor: Dr. Schroeder)
W Chapter 4 continued
F Trawling for Requirements Chapter 5
26-30 September
M Discussion of Paper Presentations Assignment 2 (major use cases) due Friday of week 6 at 5 P.M.
W SDL Introduction (normal location)
F Functional Requirements
11 A.M. Progress meeting with BEs and faculty (S-341)
Chapter 6
3-7 October
M Non-functional Requirements Chapter 7
W Review for midterm
F Midterm (2002-03 exam, 2003-04 exam, 2004 exam)
10-14 October
M Midterm exam post mortem Assignment 3 (SRS) due Friday of week 8 at 5 P.M.
W Writing the Specification Chapter 8
F Fit (Validation) Criteria Chapter 9
17-21 October
M Paper Presentations
Friday meeting in CC-46 at 11 A.M. to discuss process with BEs and faculty
24-28 October
M Ambiguity Analysis Assignment 4 (final report) due Friday of week 10 at 5 P.M.
Final Report Rubric
Team Peer Evaluation
W Quality Gateway Chapter 10
F Prototyping and Scenarios Chapter 11
31 October - 4 November
M Reusing Requirements Chapter 12
W Taking Stock of the Specification Chapter 13
F ...continued
7-11 November
M Review (2002-03 final, 2003-04 final, 2004 final)
W Project Presentations
F No meeting
14-18 November
T Final Exam: 8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. in CC-43