% Dr. Durant, EE3221, W1D2, 12/2/2021, updated 11/30/2022 % Explore the Fourier Series of the sampling impulse train % pulseTrain_FS % Equation 6.155 (page 323) shows that the pulse train (used to sample an % analog signal) has a FS with all terms equal to f_s. % δ_{T_s}(t) % = ∑_{n=-∞}^∞ δ(t-nT_s) [definition] % = f_s ∑_{n=-∞}^∞ e^{j 2π n f_s t} [Fourier Series] % (Note: I'm using LaTeX notation for equations, _ is subscript/text below, % ^ superscript/text above.) % The terms of the FS have conjugate symmetry (X_k = X*_{-k}) since the pulse train is real. % Also, since the terms are all real, only the even (cosine) portions % remain in the trigonometric form of the FS, which is expected since the % pulse train itself is even. (See Table 5-3, page 206 to review forms of the FS.) % a_0 = fs % a_k = 2 fs, k ≥ 1 % Let's show the first several terms of the the FS... N = 20; % number of FS terms to show after n=0 fs = 1000; % sampling frequency (= fundamental frequency), hertz Ts = 1/fs; Omega0 = 2*pi*fs; % sampling frequency, radians/sec t = -2*Ts : Ts/1000 : 2*Ts; % 4 periods of pulse train, 1000 samples per period x = [ fs*ones(size(t)); ... % n = 0 case 2*fs*cos( (1:N)' * Omega0 * t)]; % arg is column × scalar × row = rectangular matrix h = plot(t,x, t,sum(x,1)); % plot can return "handles" to each of the plotted lines set(h(end),'LineWidth',3) % ...which can be used to set their properties % Here, we're making the final, sum line (end) thicker (width=3). title(sprintf("δ_{T_s}(t) ≅ f_s ∑_{n=-%g}^{%g} e^{j 2π n f_s t}; fs = %g",N,N,fs)) % Hint: For convenience, you can also write \delta in a string instead of δ xlabel('Time (s)')