% EE3032 W7D3 Dr. Durant, Winter 2019-'20 % We derived the Fourier Series for a pulse train with voltage A, period % T0, and on duration tau, with an on period centered about t=0 (thus an % even signal). % Parameters - try varying them A = 1; T0 = 3; tau = 1; % Derived parameters w0 = 2*pi/T0; % fundamental frequency in radians/s nMax = T0*10; % scale up with T0 or 1/f0 so that the total frequency domain is unchanged as T0 varies. n = -nMax:nMax; % Here is the expression we derived for the FS. Added /pi due to MATLAB implementation of sinc. x = A*tau/T0*sinc(n*w0*tau/2/pi); % The FS is real since x(t) is even. The real portions of the FS coefficients % correspond to cosines, which are the even signal building blocks. % What would it indicate about x(t) if the FS coefficients were purely imaginary? % Given that we take x(t) to be real, what constraint would this impose on the 0th FS coefficient? % Figure: figure % create a new figure for each run to allow comparing various T0 values, etc. stem(n*w0,x, 'LineWidth',3),xlabel('Frequency (radians/s)') title(T0)