% EE3032 W5D3 Winter 2019-'20, Dr. Durant close all % close any open figures %% I. Show that the phasors (Fourier series coefficients) given constitute a square wave. dt = 0.01; t = -3:dt:3; T0 = 1; % s, fundamental period omega0 = 2*pi/T0; % radians/s, fundamental frequency N = [1 3 5 7 ]; X = [1 -1/3 1/5 -1/7] * 4/pi; % will derive this in a few days; in general, phasors X can be complex % Try adding more components to N and X to continue the pattern and better approximate x(t). figure, subplot(2,1,1) % start a new figure and plot in the top half x = zeros(size(t)); for idx = 1:length(N) part = abs(X(idx)) * cos(N(idx)*omega0*t + angle(X(idx))); plot(t,part), hold on % when plotting, don't clear what was there before x = x + part; % add parts of x(t) to which we will apply superposition end plot(t,x), title('x(t) and components using phasors X') %% II. Apply transfer function theory and superposition to determine the % system output given a square wave input. tau = 0.1; % s, time constant in h(t) = (1/tau)*exp(-t/tau)u(t) a = 1/tau; % in class, we forgot to take the reciprocal, so we were using large time constants when we intended short ones and vice versa H = 1 ./ (a + 1j * omega0*N); disp('Magnitudes and angles of H:'), disp(abs(H)), disp(angle(H)) subplot(2,1,2) % switch to the bottom half of the current figure y = zeros(size(t)); for idx = 1:length(N) part = abs(X(idx)) * (abs(H(idx))) ... * cos(N(idx)*omega0*t + angle(X(idx)) + angle(H(idx)) ); plot(t,part), hold on y = y + part; end plot(t,y), xlabel('Time (s)'), title('y(t) and components, found using phasors Y = HX')