CSC4651/5651 Deep Learning In Signal Processing: Speech Command Recognition Lab


This week’s MATLAB assignment is to complete the “Train Speech Command Recognition Model Using Deep Learning” example.

I have provided a modified version of this example with additional explanatory text and modifications to let it run correctly on Rosie. Be sure you are running the modified version.

Less guidance will be given than on last week’s lab, but please ask questions and make observations in this week’s discussion board. The professor will answer questions and you may answer each other’s questions.

This lab dives into a number of practical audio processing issues. We will see:

This lab requires the Audio Toolbox, which is not in the MATLAB image we have used so far. To start this image:

singularity exec --nv /data/containers/matlab-r2023a-toolboxes.sif bash

After you start MATLAB, run ver and note the toolboxes that are installed, including the Audio Toolbox.

Then, read through the comments in the Live Script, executing each section after you read about what it does. I recommend using the Run and Advance option.

To meet the requirements of this lab, please report on the following, either in text or in a video overview of your final results:

Optional, additional exercises
