CSC5651 Deep Learning In Signal Processing: Graduate Literature Project Milestone 1: Paper Selection

This page describes the first of five project milestones.


Note: This assignment is only applicable to graduate students. Undergraduates should not complete this assignment and will be excused from the assignment within Canvas.

Graduate students in this course will work in teams of 2–3 to present two papers. You may form your own groups of 2–3, or if you prefer, the instructor can assign groups. This is a “launch” milestone for the project, which will be followed by a set of four milestones that is repeated for each of the two papers.

The papers selected should ideally have a strong relevance to the course topics, a clear and concise methodology, and significant impact on the field of study. They can be either foundational or recent works. Please provide a brief rationale for your paper selection when submitting your choices.

At least one of your papers should focus on a deep neural network architecture. In the early stages of a project, different classic and newer architectures are often evaluated to determine which one is the most promising for meeting the project’s overall goals.

Your second paper may also focus on an architecture, but you are also welcome to consider other topics related to the course such as data collection, data augmentation, error metrics, specific capabilities of MATLAB, PyTorch, TensorFlow, etc.

As you search for your papers, consider sources such as IEEE Xplore, the ACM Digital Library, and Google Scholar. Generally, your papers should be peer-reviewed, although exceptions are allowed especially for cutting-edge topics where a reputable but not peer-reviewed source is available. A good place to start is the library’s list of EECS library resources. If you have trouble accessing any of the suggested databases, please let the your instructor know as soon as possible they can help you find a solution.

The following list presents some recommended papers for the project. You are welcome to select from the list or choose your own.

CSC 5651 paper suggestions


For this “launch” milestone, you will need to post the following to this discussion board:
