CS-489 Process Details

by Dr. Durant
This process is based on materials developed by Dr. Welch and Dr. Sebern.


As part of the software development process for this course, all team members are expected to track and report process data. A more detailed discussion of this process, including spreadsheets for some of the tables, can be found on Dr. Welch's SE280 page.


The time and defect tracking tools used here are taken from Watts Humphrey's Personal Software Process (PSP). However, they represent only one small part of the PSP; as the course goes on, other parts of the process will be discussed. Unfortunately, the time available does not permit training in the complete PSP, and students are encouraged to pursue additional PSP study on their own or as part of another course.

Time tracking and reporting

Time tracking is done with a time log sheet, resembling the following form:

Date Start Stop Interruption Time Delta Time Phase Comments

The project phases are:

Note that these are phases, not activities. For example, the "compile" phase begins on the first compile and ends when a "clean compile" has been achieved, even if fixing defects in this phase requires going back and redoing some of the analysis or design. Time spent in team meetings and research should be included in the phase you are in, though it should be labeled (in "comments") separately in the time recording log.

During the postmortem, the time in each phase should be summarized by developer (team member) and for the team as a whole.

Defect tracking and reporting

Defect tracking is done with a defect recording log:

Date ID Number Occurrences Type Inject Phase Remove Phase Fix Time Fix Defect Description

Some notes on these items:

Defect types:

Type Number Type Name Description
10 Documentation comments, messages
20 Syntax spelling, punctuation, typos, instruction formats
30 Build, package change management, library, version control
40 Assignment declaration, duplicate names, scope, limits
50 Interface procedure calls and references, I/O, user formats
60 Checking error messages, inadequate checks
70 Data structure content
80 Function logic, pointers, loops, recursion, computation, function defects
90 System configuration, timing, memory
100 Environment design, compile, test or other support system problems

During the postmortem, the number of defects injected and removed in each phase should be summarized, by developer and for the team as a whole. The defect types should be used to improve the design and code review checklists.

Excel spreadsheets containing versions of these form can be downloaded from Dr. Welch's website [no longer online].