CS-421 Lab 4: Lego Models: Adding Lighting

Qt/OpenGL Lego Illustration

You may work in pairs or alone on this lab assignment.

The LEGO utility class from last week has proper surface normals and material properties set so that lighting may be used. Also, glFrontFace is used so that culling may be enabled if desired.


Begin with last week’s application and…

Required / Optional

At least two (four if working in a group of two) of the following features are required. In your report, be sure to clearly state which features you implemented. I welcome suggestions of additional features to be added to this list.

Feel free to add other features. Check with the instructor if you have any questions.


You may find the OpenGL FAQs for Developers helpful.

The OpenGL Technical FAQ’s section on lights is an excellent supplement to your textbook and provides suggestions on some of the above features.


Demonstrate your working program to the professor (25% of grade) during or before the week 5 lab.

Group Report (due by 11 P.M. Friday of week 5)

Your lab report need not be self-contained. This means that it is not necessary to restate the entire specification in your report.