Dr. Durant: CS-384 Design of Operating Systems: Course Outline

Week Day Topics Reading Lab
28 November - 2 December
M Introduction Lab 1: Unix System Calls
Optional: Setting up Ubuntu under the VMWare Player
Due 11 P.M. Wednesday of Week 2
W OS design goals
Influential OSes
1, 23
F OS structures: system calls, programs, layers 2
5-9 December
M ...continued Lab 2: Unix Process Creation and Management
Due 11 P.M. Monday of Week 4
W Processes: definition, state, context switching, dispatching, interprocess communication
forking.cpp, piping.cpp
F Threads
Process management
chap4_6.cpp (Pthreads, Linux), winThread.cpp (Win32 version), signals.cpp (Linux)
12-16 December
M CPU scheduling 5
W Scheduling algorithms
F Discuss term paper
Catch up / TBD
19 December - 6 January
M Process synchronization 6

Term paper outline and bibliography
Draft Monday of week 5, 11 P.M.
Final Wednesday of week 5, 11 P.M.

Lab 3: Embedded OS Phase I

W Semaphores
F Deadlocks 7
9-13 January
M Memory management: segmentation, swapping, paging 8
W Program loading, linking, libraries, dynamic memory
Review for Midterm
F Midterm Exam
16-20 January
M Virtual memory, demand paging, page faults 9
W Paging algorithms
F File system interface 10
23-27 January
M Serial I/O on the 68HC11 (serial.s) Lab 4: Embedded OS Phase II
W File system implementation: inodes 11
F Catch up / TBD
30 January - 3 February
M I/O Systems 13
W Protection and Security
Term Paper Due
14, 15
F Real-time systems 19
6-10 February
M Term Paper Presentations
W Term Paper Presentations
F Term Paper Presentations
13-17 February
M Term Paper Presentations Lab 5: TBD
W Term Paper Presentations
F Review for Final Exam
23 February
R Common Final Exam: 11:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. in CC-11