Abbreviation of dates: WmDn refers to the nth day of lecture in the mth week of class. WmL refers to the lab in week m. For example, W3D2 is the 2nd lecture of week 3 (regardless of whether the lab period is before or after the 2nd lecture period).
The design will consist of
Next, reduce the LE, AE, and CE equations. Some of the equations may be simple enough to write directly from the tables above. For the remaining ones, however, it will be necessary to show a K-map to ensure that you have found the simplest sum-of-products implementation. (An alternative design method is to use 4:1 or 16:1 MUXes, but for this problem you must use K-maps.)
The final element of the design is to show how these 3 components, which you may now represent using block symbols (do not draw all the gates), are connected to FAs (full adders) to create an ALU. Be sure to show at least a 2-bit ALU so that the connections of the FA carry inputs and outputs are unambiguous.
P4.19. Do this in Quartus, turning in your (a) schematic for the 4:2 priority encoder, (b) your VHDL or schematic for the 2:1 priority encoder, and (c) your simulation for the 4:2 priority encoder showing all possible input combinations. If you choose to use buses for the inputs to the 2:1 priority encoder, they must be named with care. For example, you may have a need to take 2 signals off a bus of 4 signals and put them onto another bus. One way to do this is...
X[3..0] =============== | | |X[3] |X[2] | | ==================== X[3..2]
To keep the wiring simpler, you may wish to avoid using buses for this assignment.
You may use the "21mux" component that is available in Quartus (be sure to label whether A is D0 or D1), or you may implement your own 2:1 MUX.