8:30 AM | Welcome and Introductions (Jeff Zingsheim, Chair)
9:00 AM | Review of Events
- Recent
- Open Houses (7/14/2018, 9/22/2018)
- Plexus-sponsored CE Student Event (9/18/2018)
- EECS Industry Forum (9/21/2018)
- ABET Visit (9/23-25/2018)
- Career Fair (9/27-28/2018)
- IEEEXtreme Competition (10/19-20/2018)
- Upcoming
- Open Houses (10/20/2018, 4/27/2019, 7/13/2019)
- Accepted Student Days (9 days beginning 11/9/2018 and ending 4/5/2019)
- Op Computer Competition (11/16/2018)
- Rockwell Collins-sponsored EECS Student Event (TBD) and Tour (TBD)
- JCI-sponsored CE Student Event (spring, 2019)
- Spring IAC Meeting and Senior Design Show (5/24/2019)
- CE Student Event (late September, 2019)
- Fall IAC Meeting and Tour, Sharp Packaging (fall, 2019)
9:30 AM | Activities At Your Site
- Do you have an idea for a student tour, perhaps working with our IEEE student group?
- The CE program faculty appreciate the opportunity to visit each IAC company at least every few years.
9:45 AM | Break |
10:00 AM | Curriculum Topics
- Now have all four years in new 4×4-format curriculum; new networking classes are running for the first time and information security is now a required class for seniors
10:20 AM | General Discussion
- Electives running this year
- Fall:
CS3860 (Databases, Dr. Urbain),
CS4981 (Data Science, Dr. Urbain),
SE4910 (Mobile App Development, Dr. Riley)
- Winter:
CE498 (Fault-tolerant Design, Dr. Meier),
CS4850 (Machine Learning, Dr. Urbain),
CS498 (Entrepreneurship in Computing/Engineering, Dr. Dennis),
EE484 (Neural Networks, Dr. Ross)
- Spring:
CE/EE4100 (Embedded System Fabrication, Dr. Rothe),
CS493 (Advanced Digital Design, Dr. Livingston),
EE423 (DSP Applications, Dr. Prust),
SE4940 Network Security Tools and Practices (Dr. Schilling)
Student representative comments and input
Industry representative comments and input
10:50 AM | Meeting Wrap-up
- Agenda items for the next IAC meeting
Friday 24 May 2019: 8:00 AM, Senior Design Show begins by 11 AM
- Action items
11:00 AM | Adjourn to tour |