8:00 AM | Light Breakfast |
8:30 AM | Welcome and Introductions (Jeff Zingsheim, Chair)
Update on program information (Eric Durant)
8:50 AM | Review of Events
- Recent
- Op Computer: record attendance of 51 teams of 4 (11/18/2016)
- Visited Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids (Faculty and Students) (12/9/2016)
- JCI-sponsored MSOE/DoE Regional Science Bowl (1/21/2017)
- JCI-sponsored CE Student Event (3/20/2017)
- Czech exchange: Intro meeting for CE/AE students (4/3/2017)
- Upcoming
- Open Houses (7/15/2017, 9/16/2017, 10/14/2017, 12/16/2017, 4/21/2018)
- Brady-sponsored CE Student Event (Monday, 9/18/2017 [tentative date])
- Seventh EECS Industry Forum for Students (Friday, 9/22/2017, 12 PM, followed by panel lunch; optional tour before? field/parking structure and/or Grohmann Museum)
- IEEEXtreme 11.0 (date TBD, c. October 21, 2017 UTC, MSOE's 9th year, Dr. Livingston)
- Fall IAC Meeting: TBD: Volunteer to host: morning meeting followed by tour?
- Op Computer Competition (Friday, 11/17/2017, Dr. Durant)
- Rockwell Collins-sponsored EECS Student Event (Monday, 12/4/2017 [tentative])
- Ongoing
- Senior project collaboration
- Do you have an idea for a student tour, perhaps working with our IEEE student group?
- The CE program faculty appreciate the opportunity to visit each IAC company every few years.
9:20 AM | Student feedback: Senior debriefing summary |
9:35 AM | Break and IAC Member Survey |
9:50 AM | Recent Developments
- New CE faculty member in fall: Dr. Deborah Varnell
- New leadership team
- Popular electives this year:
- CE-4940 VLSI (Dr. Meier)
- CE/EE-4100: Embedded System Fabrication (Dr. Rothe)
- CS-4920 Information Security (Prof. Vieau)
- Many other options, including: software defined radio, computer vision, databases, distributed and cloud computing, neural networks, DSP applications, developing secure software, C#/language design, machine learning, mobile application development (Android)
- Some elective options for next year:
- CE-4100/EE-4100 Embedded System Fabrication
- CE-4930 Computer Architecture II (Dr. Meier)
- CS-4920 Information Security (Prof. Vieau)
- SE-4940 Network Security Tools and Practices (Dr. Schilling)
- Many other options, including: databases, system simulation, C# and language design, managing the Linux OS, neural networks, computer vision, DSP applications, advanced digital design, developing secure software
- Czech Tech. (Prague) spring semester exchange option for sophomores: seventh group (2 CEs, +AEs) completing. Had Skype video conference with them at freshman recruiting meeting in April.
10:00 AM | Curriculum
- Moving into third year of CE 4.0 Curriculum, was effective for F'15 freshmen
10:25 AM | General Discussion
- Student representative comments and input
- Industry representative comments and input
10:45 AM | Meeting Wrap-up
- Agenda items for the next IAC meeting
- Action items
10:50 AM | IAC Group Picture
11:00 AM | Adjourn to Senior Design Show |