9:00 AM | Welcome and Introductions (Lon Bushweiler, Plexus and Jeff Zingsheim, Chair)
9:20 AM | Review of Events
- Recent
- Open Houses (7/18/2015, 9/19/2015, 10/17/2015)
- Rockwell Automation-sponsored CE Student Event (10/26/2015)
- Career Fair (10/9/2015)
- IEEEXtreme Competition (10/23-24/2015)
- Upcoming
- Open Houses (12/5/2015, 4/23/2016)
- Accepted Student Days (11/13/2015, 12/11/2015, 1/18/2016, 1/30/2016, 2/12/2016, 2/19/2016, 3/18/2016, 4/8/2016)
- Op Computer Competition (11/20/2015)
- Rockwell Collins-sponsored EECS Student Event (M 12/7/2015) and Tour (F 12/11/2015)
- JCI-sponsored CE Student Event (3/26/2016, tentative)
- Spring IAC Meeting and Senior Design Show (5/27/2016)
9:45 AM | Activities At Your Site
- Would you like to host the Fall, 2016 MSOE CE IAC meeting?
- Do you have an idea for a student tour, perhaps working with our IEEE student group?
- The CE program faculty appreciate the opportunity to visit each IAC company at least every few years.
10:00 AM | Break |
10:10 AM | Curriculum Topics
10:40 AM | General Discussion
- Electives running this year
- Fall: CE493 (Computer Architecture II, Dr. Russ Meier), CE498 (Circuit/System Fabrication, Dr. Darrin Rothe), CS386 (Databases, Dr. Jay Urbain), SE4910 (Mobile App Development-Android, Dr. Jay Urbain), EE484 (Neural Networks, Dr. Sheila Ross), SE4930 Developing Secure Software (Dr. Walt Schilling)
- Winter: CS4860 (C#, Prof. Carol Tumey), CS4230 (Distributed and Cloud Computing, Dr. Jay Urbain), CS4920 (Information Security, Prof. Michael Vieau), EE4720 (Control System Applications, Dr. Kishore Acharya)
- Spring: CE498B (Digital Image Processing, Dr. Adam Livingston), SE4940i (Mobile App Development-iOS, Dr. Mark Sebern)
- Student representative comments and input
- Industry representative comments and input
10:55 AM | Meeting Wrap-up
- Agenda items for the next IAC meeting
Friday 27 May 2016: 8:00 AM, Senior Design Show begins by 11 AM
- Action items
11:00 AM | Adjourn |