Technical Elective = Tech EL = Prog EL = PE = Program Elective
- Most courses on the list published annually by the CSSE and ECBE departments.
- Any CS/EE/SE or CSE/ELE/SWE 3*/4* class that is not significantly duplicative of CE content. Specifically approved courses include SE3910.
- Can also take CE499/CS499/SE499/EE499 or CPE498x/CSC498x/SWE498x/ELE498x independent study (and similar numbers) for 1-3 credits.
- The complete UGR498x sequence consists of 6 credits and meets 2 CE technical electives. Like the EE program, CE does not accept a partial UGR sequence for technical elective credit. However, see the note under the free elective.
- Certain sophomore level classes from other majors (that aren’t significantly duplicative of CE content), including SE2811, SE2840, SE2800, SE2832
- SE2040 may not be used as a program elective.
- Credits must add up. For example, if your curriculum version requires 6 technical elective credits, you might take an approved CSSE or ECBE class for 4 credits and a 2-credit CPE9499.
Free Elective and GE (General Education) Elective
- Effective with a 2018-02-06 email to all CE students, the GE elective is now functionally the same as the free elective. This is based on new flexibility that MSOE granted the programs in designating classes as meeting the GE elective.
- The program has discretion on these since they are not used to meet any other department or ABET requirement.
- Generally anything that adds breadth—but not duplicative classes (e.g., Java intro from business school) or intro courses from other majors.
- EE1000/ELE1000, for students who took it during their initial term of enrollment.
- Includes anything listed above, plus most sophomore level classes from other majors that aren’t significantly duplicative of CE content, even if they don’t count as a program elective.
- UGR498x I-II, without III, consists of 3 credits and meets one of these electives. This combination does not meet a CE technical elective.
- MA120/MTH1080 can be used by students who were required to take it prior to entry to calculus.
Policies Only For Students Who Started On Quarters
Honors Students
- The required HON2980 class (3 credits) can count for an HU elective for students with transition plans; this is a transition class for AY24.
Sci EL = Science Elective, 3+ credits
- BI102
- CH200, CH201, and successor classes
- CH103 may not be used to satisfy any CE degree requirement
- Nearly all SC classes, check catalog or with advisor for exceptions
- PH
- Most PH3xx classes
- Doesn’t include some non-calculus PH classes for some other majors
- Any course listed for the physics minor counts as an Sci EL
M/S EL = Math or Science Elective, 3+ credits
- Science defined above
- Math
- Most MA3xx classes, but check catalog descriptions—e.g., Business or Nursing Statistics cannot count for credit for engineers
- Any course listed for the math minor counts as a MA elective
- Most non-required MA1xxx/MA2xxx classes are only for actuarial science majors and cannot be taken by engineers
HU/SS EL = Humanities or Social Science Elective
- Students must have a total of 5, and at least 2 in each category
- Includes all numbered HU4* and SS4*. There is a button to show just these in Scheduler 2008.
- Should include anything listed in Scheduler 2008. Note that some classes are “closed” from the beginning; these are often classes that involve an overseas trip. The student needs to talk to the professor if they are interested in these classes.
- HU332 Bioethics may be taken as an HU elective by students for whom HU432 Ethics is required, including CEs.
- As of the 2016-’17 catalog the restriction regarding a minimum Language II for HU credit is removed. Now, language courses follow the same HU elective rules as all other HU courses.
This page was last updated on 2024-08-01 08:11:30 -0500.