Computer engineering students see their advisors regularly to discuss academic and career plans and progress. In most terms, CE students must receive their advisors’ clearance before registering; the online registration system enforces this. You are welcomed and encouraged to meet with your advisor even in terms when it is not required to discuss your internship search, career goals, etc.
Advising appointments start in week 8. You will be notified of your advisor’s appointment sign-up procedures in week 7.
MSOE transitioned to semesters in F’23. Students who started on the quarter system each received an Individual Transition Plan (ITP) exactly which quarter and semester classes they need to take to earn their degree.
Elective labels tagged with NONE are electives your advisor removed from the term as they balanced your course work.
If you you attended MSOE as an undergraduate through the semester transition, your individual transition plan replaces your official program curriculum.
The MSOE Registrar keeps track of the advisor assigned to each student. If you are not sure who your advisor is, you can find out by following these steps.
The CE advisors are Profs. Durant, Livingston, Meier, Rothe, and Varnell. All their offices are located on the 3rd floor of the Library.
Follow the link at Registrar’s Registration Resources for
After your registration time, you may request entry into a closed section; every effort will be made to arrange a schedule with your on-track courses. Each department has its own policies for handling closed section requests.
Forms for declaring a minor, changing/adding a major, etc., are available on the Registrar’s website.
MSOE and the CSSE and ECBE departmentd offer a variety of minors of interest to CE students. These include the following.
(Not available to CS majors.)
For CEs (and other majors that have a year of required software design courses), this minor consists of:
These courses must be taken in order, plus CSC4801 has a prerequisite of a statistics course such as MA262 or MTH2480. A practicum is an applied project course.
These classes meet CE program/technical (and free) elective requirements.
(Not available to EE majors.)
CEs are already required to take many courses in the EE minor. To earn the minor, CEs follow the rule that they must take at least 6 credits not specifically required for their major. Note that these courses can be used to meet the CE program or free elective requirements.
(Not available to CE majors.)
This applies to 2023 sophomores and to most 2023 juniors. Students further along in the curriculum should consult with their advisor if they did not complete the minor on the quarter system.
Distilling the new, semester-based, math minor requirements relative to the CE major requirements, CEs need to take 2 additional math classes to earn the math minor, which may be 0, 1, or 2 additional classes in total beyond their CE major requirements:
The General Education 6d requirement applies to students who enter on the semester system. Students entering before the conversion (including freshmen in 2022-23) do not have a 6d elective and instead have humanities and social science credit counts that their advisors are ensuring are met on their transition plans.
Two-degree tracks exist for CE in combination with CS, EE and SE. These tracks are laid out for 5 years, but students have accelerated the course sequence and finished one or two terms early. Please see your advisor or program director for more information.
This MSOE webpage outlines research opportunities for MSOE students including our undergraduate research program in which you work with a faculty member on a project over the course of a year and REUs, which are (usually) summer research experiences sponsored by the National Science Foundation that you can pursue at a variety of universities throughout the US. This website lists several REU and other opportunities. You can also search for REU opportunities at the NSF’s website.